Lactation Matters

Lactation Matters

I often have new mothers, get in touch due to breast-feeding difficulties.  The good news is, most of these problems are an easy fix, with a little advice, and/or a handful of remedies. 

There is still little mainstream support in this area, and while it is entirely the choice of the mother, how she would like to feed her baby, I am always saddened, when I am told that a mother has had to abandon her plans to breastfeed prematurely, and when it could have been avoided.

While there is little that can be done to prepare for breast-feeding, it is still worth thinking ahead and gaining knowledge on positioning and attachment, and what to look out for.

Positioning That First Feed

One of the most important things, is to bring the baby to the breast as soon as possible to allow them to imprint on the nipple.  It can be tricky to get the position right, but if Mum remains relaxed, and the baby is held side on with the areola, rather than just the nipple, in the baby’s mouth, the rest should follow.  Demand feeding is best, as when a baby is left to cry, they will become frustrated, making a good latch difficult, but this will also introduce air into the stomach meaning vomiting and colic are possible.

When Things Don’t Go quite Right


Following delivery of placenta, blood is re-routed to the breasts carrying hormones to trigger milk production.  Once milk comes in fully, should the lymphatic system struggle to clear excess fluids, engorgement may occur.  Breasts can become excessively swollen, taught and painful, making feeding difficult and uncomfortable.  The right Homeopathic remedy can assist the body in removing this excess fluid, and correct engorgement.

Cracked Nipples

Regular short feeds and good positioning in the early days can help avoid trauma to the nipples, but should cracks occur, there are several remedies that can help if needed.  As a supportive measure though, it is possible to concentrate on the side that is still comfortable while healing takes place, and if necessary pump to prevent engorgement on the injured breast while it heals. 


When there has been a wound to the nipple, bacteria can enter and lead to infection.  This will begin with localised heat, redness and pain, and can lead to flu like symptoms, such as headache and fever.  Specific homeopathic remedies can assist in this situation, if taken without delay.

Homeopathic remedies can be supplied in readiness, prior to birth, in the form of an individualised Birth and Beyond kit, or prescribed as required based on symptoms should they occur.

Get in touch, to talk about your Personalised Birth Kit or to make an appointment today.


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