Surviving Cold & Flu Season
At this time of year, however well we take care of ourselves, it is sometimes inevitable that we will catch cold. While many people still take over the counter preparations and prescription drugs such as antibiotics, more and more people are turning to alternative medicine, as the reality dawns that by suppressing symptoms with drugs, not only does our health not improve, but we will also reduce our bodies ability to resist future infection. Alternative medicines are also an invaluable alternative in the treatment of babies, children and pregnant women, and other groups who are unable to use orthodox drugs. There are many homeopathic remedies which can be kept in the cupboard at home, ready for use when the dreaded bugs strike. Following is a list of suggested remedies:
This remedy is the Homeopathic first line of defence. It has a feeling of urgency, such as when you realise you’re ‘coming down with something’. Symptoms may appear following exposure to cold, but dry weather. There may be a dry cough which is accompanied by a hoarseness of voice. The patient would feel worse when cold, or drinking cold drinks, and may be short of breath.
This remedy is useful when the cold or flu is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhoea and fever. There would be watery nasal mucus, running like a tap. The patient would feel cold but still prefer to be out in the fresh air, and be very thirsty. Symptoms would be worse in the middle of the night, and the middle of the day. There would be anxiety, restlessness and a desire for company, so this is often a useful remedy for children.
This remedy is suitable where there is hot, dry fever, together with dilated shining pupils and a desire for a dark quiet environment. There may be a throbbing headache and heat to the head and face, but chilly hands and/or feet. The patient may be delirious and have a glazed look.
An excellent flu remedy where there is much aching and fever with great thirst and a worsening of all symptoms at the slightest movement. The patient may feel restless, but there would be that feeling that without maintaining a rigid posture the pain would be unbearable. The body would ache, and there would be fever with perspiration.
Cold or flu where there is copious bland nasal discharge and burning tears which cause the eyes to become red. Symptoms are worse during the night, when lying down and out in fresh air. There may be a cough with hoarse voice.
This is a classic flu remedy. There would be exhaustion and weakness, a slow developing fever with chills in the back, and dull aching heaviness in the limbs, head and eyes which may appear hooded. There would be little thirst.
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A cold remedy where there is much sneezing at the beginning. Nasal mucus is thick, opaque and clear to white, similar to egg white. There may be cracking in the lips, particularly the centre of the bottom lip, and a tendency toward cold sores. The patient would feel worse for sympathy and would rather be left alone.
A cold with thick yellow/green and a blocked stuffy nose. This patient would be worse at night and in a warm room, and better for being out in the open air. Strangely, people requiring this remedy have a very dry mouth but do not want to drink. They may feel weepy and desire lots of sympathy. Symptoms may appear to change frequently.
Many acute conditions such as colds and coughs can be treated in the home with fantastic results. However, should you find yourself in a cycle of infections or should symptoms worsen, you may find that you would benefit from a consultation with a qualified homeopath.